Gods Presence

I love how God promises throughout His Word that He is with us. It's interesting that despite His constant reassurance, we still question and doubt whether that's true. I don't know about you but I can 100% vouch that God has been with me through the good and the bad. The only time that He "wasn't" was when I didn't acknowledge His presence.

One of the many lessons that I see in the Bible is the importance of fixing our eyes on God especially in the midst of our trials and tribulations. The moment that we stop focusing on Him is the moment that our problems become bigger than Him, which then blocks our view of His presence.

In Matthew 8:23-27 the disciples were afraid of the storm despite being with the One Who can calm the storm. They allowed their fear to be more relevant than the One Who embodied peace through His presence alone. Instead of taking into consideration the many times that Jesus proved His Sovereignty, they allowed their faith to waver with the storm.

Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego's story in Daniel 3:16-28 showed how they allowed their faith to be their protection and their obedience to keep them grounded in the midst of being in the burning fiery furnace. King Nebuchadnezzar acknowledging the 4th One in the fire is the same measure that we must take in all circumstances. 

Take a moment and acknowledge the One Who's always been there with you.

I love you and most importantly, Jesus loves you more! John 3:16 ♡


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