"Why are you looking for the living among the dead?"

I’ll never forget ministering the song Matthew 28 by Donald Lawrence & The Tri-City Singers with my sisters in Christ through praise dance on Resurrection Day Sunday years ago. (Shout out to The Dancing Angels! 💜)

The song is about the Resurrection of Jesus Christ and when He asked the question “Why are you looking for the living among the dead?” that gave me goosebumps! In verse 6 it also says “He isn’t here! He is risen from the dead, just as He said would happen.”

These verses alone should keep us encouraged knowing that we serve a Savior Who conquered death! We shouldn’t only celebrate His Resurrection once a year in April, but should carry that proof and belief that He is risen!

No matter how dark those 3 days were, it didn’t change the fact that the prophecy would be fulfilled. If you’re in a season where it only feels like death is surrounding you, I pray that you speak back to it and declare that if Jesus Christ can conquer the grace so can you! Speak life over your situation, speak His Word over yourself and walk in boldness knowing that you have the same power and authority of Jesus Christ living inside of you!

I love you and most importantly, Jesus loves you more! John 3:16 



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