"Take heart. Don't quit. Stay with God." - Psalm 27:14

In the midst of the uncertainty and discouragement the song Wait on You by Maverick City Music has kept me together. The second stanza and chorus says:

I know You ordered every step,

Yeah, You are the Author.
And there's no predicting what is next,
But You hold the future.
And all the questions they come second,
To the one I know is true, yeah,
Oh, you've always been true.

I'm gonna wait on You,I'm gonna wait on You.I've tasted Your goodness,I'll trust in Your promise,I'm gonna wait on You.

God will never ask us to do something without already giving us what we need to fulfill His request. To take heart means simply to be courageous. Joshua 1:9 states "This is my command—be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.” If God is with us we have confidence in Him knowing that He will help us to fight our battles. His Word and promises will continue to stand despite our circumstance.

I encourage you to not grow weary by relying on your own strength. Press into Him more as your press forward by His strength.

I love you and most importantly, Jesus loves you more! John 3:16 ♡


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