
Come as you are, but be ready to leave who you were.

The purpose of Jesus Christ suffering and dying on the cross for our sins was to save us from the consequences of our sins which is eternal death in Hell (separation from God). Through His death we've been given salvation (a free gift)  and eternal life in Heaven (our forever home with God). This happens when we acknowledge that we are sinners, accept Him as our Lord and Savior and most importantly make a daily commitment to live a life of repentance.  In saying that, a lot of times "Come as you are" can be heavily misinterpreted. It doesn't mean that we come...

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"Take heart. Don't quit. Stay with God." - Psalm 27:14

In the midst of the uncertainty and discouragement the song Wait on You by Maverick City Music has kept me together. The second stanza and chorus says: I know You ordered every step, Yeah, You are the Author.And there's no predicting what is next,But You hold the future.And all the questions they come second,To the one I know is true, yeah,Oh, you've always been true. I'm gonna wait on You,I'm gonna wait on You.I've tasted Your goodness,I'll trust in Your promise,I'm gonna wait on You. God will never ask us to do something without already giving us what we need...

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"Life with God is not immunity from difficulties, but peace within difficulties." - C.S. Lewis

The peace of God truly does surpass all understanding. When I think about the story of Job, I can't even imagine what it was like for him to lose absolutely everything. But in the midst of the sufferings he didn't allow himself to curse God despite his agony and the false sense of "comfort" from those around him. He stayed faithful to God and because of this, God blessed him tenfold. Let's look at James 1:2-4 "Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith...

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